Monday, October 05, 2015

I have problems thinking of title

Sooo many things and people getting on my nerves recently. 

How can someone not know her own school schedule? How can someone forget abt the module's shared drive? I always share my work but when I ask - "Oh I haven't reached that part" OH REALLY? We are less than 20hrs away from submission time lor. Always the same case. But everytime you ask, everytime I share, WITHOUT FAIL -.- 

And then, people (me included) also need to start reflecting on themselves, before they start talking/commenting about others. You talk abt others soooo loudly, but you forgot, you are like them too. Or one day, you will be like them too.
I'm always trying to be better. As in a better person. God knows how hard I try but I always end up talking badly. I curse, I swear, I talk abt people more than any other things I do. But I also dare say, I always reflect on what I say and end up regretting what I've said almost the next minute. 

Then there are people who dk how to look after their child. Do everyone a favour, if you dk how to take care of a child, DO NOT GIVE BIRTH TILL YOU'RE READY. I'm a bad person. I'll never wanna have a child because I cannot teach. I know I'll spoil my child like mad even though he is in the wrong. And I have no patience to teach. ZERO PATIENCE. My friends would know how much patience I have in me. Unless my future partner knows how to handle a child, or my mother is willing to take care, I will never wanna have a child. I'm gonna fail so badly as a parent. Hahahhahaha. 

Enough of ranting! 

Back to rushing assignments till I'm thinking of the JB trip hahahahahahahahahah. I just finished 1assignment and I'm thinking of taking a break already because the 2D1N JB trip was soooo tempting as I was rushing out my assignment last night hahahahahaha. But I don't have the luxury of time. I don't think I can even afford a day trip to JB with this schedule of mine. 

I have:
- Presentation in 2 weeks and 3 weeks 
- Mid term test in 20 days 
- Another group submission and individual submission in week 10 and 11 

I have sooo many things on my plate omg. All I wanna do is watch Ji Xian Tiao Zhan and sleep. Hahahaha. Speaking of which, that show got me hooked onto lzx yet again and I've been listening to his songs recently heheheheh. What's even better is, he's gonna release a new album in Nov!!! ^^ 

My Monday was tolerable because I spent the whole morning talking nonsense with Shep. And the rest of the afternoon talking to Mel. Hahaahaha. Can't wait for school tmr! There's really this thing with IJ girls. Haven't seen and spoke to Rebecca for years. But it still feels comfortable to sit with her in class. Even more comfortable than sitting with someone whom I've spoken with over the past few months. Hahaahahahah, it's true. IJ GIRLS \m/ 

Okok, back to working on my group assignment. 

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