Wednesday, December 02, 2015

On turning 24

CHEYYYYY THE TITLE LIKE SO DEEP ONLY. HAHAHAH! Like as if I've accomplished much like that. But then again, given my ability, I think I've actually achieved 1 thing this year. Which is..

ALMOST completing uni! Never thought I'd come this far mannnn. Now I'm just left with final exams. I don't wish for high distinction, I just wanna graduate!! HAHAHA! Completing uni is no big deal to most. But for me, somemore part time studies, I wanna give myself a pat on the back already hahahhaha.

This year's bday was a quiet affair with just 3 celebrations, starting off with steamboat buffet with Shep they all!

  Followed by dinner with parents, and lunch with lupsupkidz! 

Took me vvvv long to get this shot right! All because the candle wasn't lit and I had to pretend to blow off the flame! HAHAHAHAHA!!  

Went to play the game Fer prepared and SHOUTOUT TO MY KAH-KIAS FOR HELPING ME! :D 

Followed by going to buy present hehehehhe! 

Bday cake was Honey Cake from Twelve Cupcakes! IT WAS SO GOOD OMG! 

Story goes like this. We exited from the MRT then I saw these boxes on display. So I just walked in telling Fer I wanna buy this cake. Can use as bday cake but dw also can I just wanna buy it hahahahahha! So, Fer got it for me as my bday cake! 

Lunch was at 4 Fingers cause... Fer suddenly saw it then we just change location like that hahahhahaha! 

Ice cream during tea time!!! 

Heheheh! Combined gifts from all my friends! Speaking of which, I need to send it back to get the engraving done! 


I don't have many friends but all these are enough for me. I'm super picky when it comes to friends, and I find it super difficult to stay as friends with new ppl who I just met. Like.. I tend to compare them with friends I already have. But how to compare when I know my current friends for at least 5 years already? Another thing is I expect people to treat me the same way as how I treat them. How is this possible lehhh?

This was when Hanna crashed our KOL class! One of the best thing to happen this year!  

We were in the same class during the first trimester but we never talk at all cause different teams mah. We only talked a little towards end of the term cause we were talking about salad hahahahahaha. Then comes 2nd term, I met her again in Workplace Law class cause... she was the only girl I recognised and recognised me! Hahahahahaha! & the rest is history~ She might just be one of the best thing that happen in uni, and for making uni interesting! Hahahahah! Last term when we were in the same class, I always look forward to attending class. Like the temptation to skip class wasn't that high... Unlike this term... Hahahahah! 

Taking a little time out of my study time to edit this post. Actually drafted wayyyyy before Vietnam trip hahahahahahaha. 

But I think I'm going to bed now! To prepare for full day of kicking KOL's butt tmr! 

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