Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Random What Not

Doing what I hate doing the most now - Backing up my phone.
I honestly hate to sync my phone to backup all my files but I know if I don't do it, I'd regret big time. I need to buy an external harddisk but I've been procrastinating since.... 4 IT shows ago? THAT'S LIKE A YEAR?! Hahaha yeahh. I'm thinking of buying multiple USB instead. Like 1 USB for 1 category kinda thing. But I'd probably lose all the USB. Hahaahah and forget which USB contain what files hhahahahah wtf.

Thought I should update this space a bit, since I have all the privacy I need right now. Hahaahah I'm suppose to be doing some workout but... maybe later. Maybe.

Meanwhile, I'm gonna import' em photos and try to clear back logs. Not like anyone reads them anyway but it's FMI when I'm.. older? Hahaahaha!

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