Tuesday, January 05, 2016

Life Regrets

*if anyone even reads this blog*

Hahaha the title like sad only. Somemore it's first few days of the year. HAHAHA! 

But really. During my JB trip last week, it got me thinking and pouring out my biggest regret in my 24years - NOT BEING SERIOUS WITH MY STUDIES, WHICH RESULTED IN DROPPING TO SECONDARY 3 NA. 

It's not about the qualifications, or the extra one year I had to spend in STC. It was more about the people I spend the extra 1 year with. Because I was close with my lupsup girls in 1-2 express. And I was like anti-social queen so... idk anyone after I dropped to 3NA. Imagine my face during first day of school HAHAHAHAH! Sec 3/4 was alright cause my girls was still in school and we can meet during recess to talk rubbish and all. But after they graduate, OMG. HATED SCHOOL LIKE NOTHING ELSE. Esp the people I have to see on a daily basis!! No doubt I have classmates but all not close one. Cannot talk about anything oneee. And, I don't even talk to them now. Sorry, we didn't even have any common topics to talk about back in school. Everyday was just bitching about teachers and other schoolmates and facing two-faced people. Of course I'm one of them hahahahahahah. 

SOOOOO, I'M GLAD IT'S OVER! I would never wanna go through that ever again. 
But then again, everything is fated. If I never drop to NA, I wouldn't have met my poly friends. Hahahah soooo, I guess..... it's somehow a blessing? Like a gift to me for having to go through sec5 alone? 

I have Vietnam trip to blog about. And other meet ups to blog about also. Let me go see what I can do. HAHAHHAHA! 

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