Sunday, February 28, 2016

Life of a part time Uni Student

Really is nothing much. HAHAHAHAHAH!

Everyday just revolves around home - work - school - home. Then repeat for x number of days, depending on which day got school. Hahahah.

1st Term - Sept 2014
Worried and excited because I'm finally meeting new people and worried cause.. I'm super anti-social one what if no one wants to be friends with me hahahahhaha. But all was good. Except the lecturer for one of the modules. She made things sound so difficult to the extend that I wanted to quit school immediately. I was sooooo troubled after her class I can never forget hahahhahahaha. But slowly slowly the momentum picked up and everything was good. UNTIL I GET THE RESULTS FOR EXAM AND I NEEDED TO TAKE SUP PAPER FOR ONE MODULE FML. And that was when I wanted to quit school again cause 1st term only already like this hahahahhaha. But lucky never quit la of course~~ Look where am I now~~

2nd Term - Jan 2015
Wasn't as bad as I expected. 2 modules, but I only managed to enroll into the same class as Shan for 1 module. And I had a Saturday morning class. But when I knew I was in the same class as Hanna for law class.. I was looking forward to Saturday mornings sia hahahahah!! Nothing much this term because only 1 group assignment.

First day of 2nd term!! 

Made to do stupid things like this.. and for the entire term -.- 

One of the days we reunited with Fifee!! 

Another random day after group assignment discussion. 
We look happy but really, we were burning with hatred inside hahahaaahah. 

This was end of all group presentations for the term!! 
*miss my hair colour*

Random photo of 3 of us cause this must be one Saturday after class where I met them for movie dinner and went out till late hahahahhaaha! 

Another random day! 

When we crashed Adrian's law class before exam! 

3rd Term - May 2015
SAME CLASS AS SO MANY PEOPLE I KNOW! Happy like bird. But it's also where things go down. Not my results but more like relations with people. Don't know what happened in between also. But maybe I just go a bit sick and tired of how some people are behaving, and how they treat other people. Oh wells. All is good now. What is meant to be, will be. Maybe we were only meant to be classmates, not even friends. BUT NVM, ALL IS GOOD!! I was looking forward to classes every week because I was in the same class as Hanna and she makes class more tolerable. Really.

Final term so just chiong and take 3 modules. Although a lot of people advise me not to. Because I was also working at the same time. But no, time is not on my side. I went ahead to take 3 modules. Mid term I really wanted to just cry and die hahahaha. The stress really no joke. And because of certain issues at work + people in school. Actually it wasn't so much of the workload. It was more of how people were behaving that I couldn't take it. There was nothing to look forward to at all. Class was more than boring. Never dreaded school sooooo much before. And I really, really hated almost everyone that I had to interact with. And because school days was only Tue/Wed before this term, so by Thursday, normally I'm burnt out already. I just wanted time to fly, people to leave me alone. I just wanted to go class and go home. But nooooo. Only 3 hours in school, people cannot leave me alone. They just had to step on my tail and make life miserable for me. HAHAHAHAHAHA. Ok kua zhang max but really. I always hated Thursdays! But okkk, I bite on and I'm done! Hahahah!!

So... my 16 months in Murdoch was alright. Except for the last 4 months (which I really really hated). Hhahahahaha! I thought going into the working world, I have seen it all. But no. There are so much more that I have not seen yet. How selfish people can be. How irresponsible people can get. And meeting people who are even more narrow minded than I am. REALLYY. I thought I was bad enough. But apparently there are people worst than me. But it's ok. There are more to expect in the working world. I have not seen it all. So I thank the people I have crossed path with in the 16 months, for giving me life lessons on how people can be.

Balancing work and studies wiseeee. I think it's ok. Hahahaha but mainly because I have nothing much to do at work anyway. Boss even gave me time to do my assignments, and study for exam in office. Maybe that was why I found it manageable. Hahahahah! At first I hated exam period. But I slowly grown to like it because that means.. LONG LEAVES! Hahahahahah! I don't mind studying but half the time I'm just sitting there, getting worried over not being able to finish studying -.- And not being able to remember anything hahahahah wtf.

Now that school's out, NO MORE LONG LEAVES TO LOOK FORWARD TO. Hahahahah. Those long leaves were like... confirm have to take one hahahahahah. But now no more reasons already hahahahah. I'm glad to be done with school because I don't have to face people Idw to face anymore.


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