Friday, April 08, 2016


We're into the 4th month of the year!! *\o/*

Sometimes it feels like time really flies. Other times, you just want time to fly.

Here's what I've been up to! (Whatever that comes to my mind)

1. Caught Zootopia with Fer on Tue!
2. Nic the fox is sucha gentleman, even better than real life guys these days.
3. One loud guy in the cinema, 1.2 the time laughing at him instead
4. Caught Batman vs Superman last week
5. Had my first box of salted popcorns
6. The first popcorn had me wishing that it was a mix of sweet and salty
7. Then I wished I was just unlucky that one salted one mixed in and I was just unlucky
8. Sorry, life is not always rainbows and butterflies, WHOLE BOX WAS SALTED >:
9. Front part was boring and I needed to talk so badly
10. That was my first "superhero" movie
11. Sick of finding for jobs already
13. My hands are itching to buy a Kenzo watch
14. But I cannot decide if I need it
16. Cannot wait for lunch
17. Maybe I should watch Cheese in the Trap now
18. Cannot wait to watch DOTS to feeeeel the hype
19. This was actually drafted on Wed, but only finished today.
20. (:

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