Thursday, April 14, 2016

7 more hours till end of 14 Apr

Today has got to be the worst day ever in 2016.

I've been having troubles sleeping for the past 2 nights. First night my sis kept moving ard and it was almost impossible for me to sleep. Yesterday was worse. She kept clearing her nose in the loudest way possible. Everytime I'm so close to falling asleep, she does it. THROUGHOUT THE NIGHT. Fml.

2 nights of not enough sleep, and I woke up on the wrong side of the bed, to make things worse. What could be worse right? Yupp, thought things will only get better but no. More things came up at work, my sneakers are giving me blister. Yupppppp o.o

Thinking of cancelling my dinner plans later but I feel bad doing it. So I'm either heading straight home after dinner, or I could catch a movie. But we'll see. Ice cream might make me feel better. But I don't even wanna interact with any human being right now, not even my closest friend or anything. I have this I cannot be bothered feel now. I couldn't even maintain a straight face just now.
Part of me is using all the strength I have inside me to hold me back from confronting my sis. Why the fuck does she not want to sleep at night for fuck's sake. So late do what? Rob bank ah? -.- Just sleep la.


Something to inject a little sunshine in my very dark day, I started on DOTS, and I could understand why everyone is swooning over Song Joong Ki. Not bad, I must say. Finally a decent female lead. Actually all decent la. Except for one that I really don't like (Hint: Heirs, Pinocchio *shifty eyes*) HHAHAHAHA PRETTY OBVIOUS.

Heading for dinner in awhile and I'm still feeling full from lunch. But of course, I finished lunch only at 3pm, how to be hungry by 5?


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