Sunday, September 04, 2016


And we have arrived at September again. Can't help but dread it. 

Oh wells. Trying my best to look on the positive side! 

Went Pokemon hunting yesterday at ECP! There really is nothing much! /: I caught all those that I already have. Pikachu and Charmander sightings popped up on my phone but they didn't appear ): Xiao sad. HAHAHAHA. Spent a total of 5hours at ECP, with 2 hours in between talking rubbish at MCD, having cake and coffee. Which of course I regretted big time. I went home feeling exhausted and ready for a good night's sleep. But of course, coffee wouldn't let me. I was so tired physically, my eyes couldn't open to save my life. But my mind was wideeee awake, I was even singing in my mind hahahahhahhahha!!! That feeling is sooo pekcek that my will to sleep gave in and I woke up at 6am. 

Scrolled through social media, played games and finished all the lives. BEFORE I FINALLY DECIDED TO WATCH THE LAST EPISODE OF DOCTORS. Such a happy ending omg (': 


SO TEMPTED TO BUY THINGS OFF TAOBAO. But the hit/miss part is making me hesitate soooo much. I bought once from taobao and.... dresses were too short. Jeans was too long. HAHAHAHAH. Even folding the jeans also no use!! I CANNOT MAKE UP MY MIND NOW. 

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