Someone please define it for me.
I have only 2 days of holidays while others have 5.
My holiday officially starts today.
& I'm SO tired.
I was doing paper one and falling asleep at the same time.
Paper 2 was so fucked up! Yucks.
And how great, I was having a damn bad headache at that time.
I'm so going to retain.
I need one day of fun.
& I mean shopping and going out but not staring at the computer!
Lucky I'm not a December baby or I'll not have a good birthday.
I'm considering if I should pierce my ear?
Okay, I think I will.
Oh, there's an annoymous on my Haloscan.
& I can't figure out who she is!
I'm going to sleep till noon tomorrow and no one can disturb me!
I haven't got a good sleep since Sunday.
I've been so worry about N's.
To y'know who. ( if you really don't know who, ask me, don't guess )
I'm very irritated with you.
Yes, although we are the HAA but that doesn't mean you can happy happy come, happy happy go.
You're such a loser, a dog.
I can't stand you!
Alot of people advice me not to continue being your friend, given your character.
But than! Forget it.
You stupid annoymous.
How am I suppose to know who you are?
I sent songs to so many people okay.
You think I'd record it down?
I think I know who annoymous is already, MELANIE WONG!