Geog paper yesterday was shittttt!
I missed out question3 part B!
Maths today was kinda alright!
I made popcorn!! :D
Ignore the below part if you have something better to do than to see the below rantings.
I'll continue tolerating till I can't.
( I should totally just get some 'Best Tolerating Person' award)& you won't want it cause it's not gonna sound good. It's a promise made to you.
Go ahead, yes, JUST GO AHEAD and complain to everyone in the world. Esp ______!
& make me sound as irritating as ever! (:
IF you were to complain to people in the clique, I would be soooo amaze!
You know why? Cause I would never bring myself to complain about someone in the clique to someone in the clique. I mean, these kinda matters in saying irritating and stuff you know. But I bet you'd bring yourself to. Cause, I'm not your friend. (: Don't you think it's damn freaking weird!? I choose to keep quiet to people in the clique in this matter because, I don't think it's a very nice idea, to be complaining to people who you are cose to!
& I'm glad to say I'm not your friend! :DDDDD
See how happy I am?? So many :D and (:
I can't get any happier!!!!!! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Beeeeeeetchhhhhhhh!I want to lock up my blog but thennn, so stupid!
I post, for the person to see. But yet, I lock up my blog.
Contradicting worzx!