Friday, September 23, 2005

new only on weekends and only two hours per use.worst than the one use multi-tasking.talking to carmen and posting at the same was fun.home econs.i like.haha.i just know a new code: we are the master of our fate.not at the mercy of fate.nice right??meaningful right??haha.never mind.

rolling of eyes can cause your eye to drop is to people who roll too much of their eye.haha.not funny.i know madam lim's secret.haha.we stayed back in school today to do home-econs.was fun.damn fun.haha.after so long,i only sewed on the word'letter'.and its very very slow.people is almosting finishing already but im only done with the word'letter'.hate this.

today was the last day to hand up the powerpoint for pw but some people forgot to ask me for the diskette.its part of my fault la.but she also never remind me.knowing that im not going to sleep early tonight.i will go online to disturb people and irritate bad.nobody cares.haha.i was saying this phrase the whole day which i believe that made rachel quite pissed off.haha.sigh.

trying to fit in ain't the point.the point is that you are willing to get back into the clique.what's the clique like now??worst than any other clique that always have arguements.yeah.there's a problem with my eye.which means i may need to wear glasses.which is what i always wanted to.i know its a bit crazy la.but.nobody cares.haha.than if really need,im gonna get those frameless ones.i love them man!!haha.i know its crazy la.i may regret it one day but for know,all i know is that i cant wait to go check my eye!!

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