Saturday, April 08, 2006

went shopping today.
with my mother.
shopping can never be done without my mom cause she's my ATM(:
harbour front in the morning;
bought thumbdrive.
went for lunch.
went down to get ripples(:
off to town.

at town;
went tang's.
walked around.
nothing much so went over to taka.
bought many things.
my mum bought her things and i bought my wallet.
my sister was THIS lame that she bought a colouring book at her AGE!!

off to great world;
went to check out the creative mp3.
wth.everytime go also OOS!!
walked around.
got ice-cream((:
went to a shop where it's full of people with attitude problem.
so i just sat outside waiting for my mother la!!
after that suppose to go for dinner.
but!!!my mother went to see something for THIS long that my father called.
so had dinner with my father.
my mum can really shop man!!

list of things i bought:

i feel bored now.

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