Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Grapes are <3

So, I skipped Math lesson today.
Oh, it was soo enjoyable! (:
& since I already woke up, I went to meet SmallFriend for breakfast.
Left Macs at 10, wanted to watch movie but there was nothing to watch.
We took 851, wanted to went round but alighted at Central instead.
It was so damn early, nothing was open.
We sat by the Singapore River to chui feng (:
Then thunder came so we went off.
Wanted to take 851 home but we waited for like 24743145764 hours
and the stupid bus didn't come.
145 came so we took it instead but guess what! 851 was just behind!!
Anway, 145 took a big round and it was ohlala! (:
Long bus rides are <3
Tomorrow, we're gonna be good girls and go for Math.
After that, we're gonna take 65 all the way then take back again.
Oh, I remembered one conversation yesterday.
Me: Why still look so watery ah?
SmallFriend:-shocked- Huh!? You call this watery?! Wanna try?
Me:Okay la! -tried- Hah! 'Watery!'
It was watery, not!

I don't know what's wrong with me.
I've got a missed call but I refuse to call back.
& for the whole day, I felt like sleeping.

I think I'm not being able to understand you anymore.
You complained abt them and yet,
you can enjoy their company so much.
You call them hypocrites than aren't you one too?
Please, everyone is hypocrites alrights?
We've got to act nice so as to have friends.
Everyones got to do that.

I feel like talking to Carmen nowww!!!
I missed those days when we used to talk like from 11pm to 5am.
There was once we talked from like 10plus till 6am okay!
Those days were the best! :DD

There's chinese MTV later at 5.50!!
Now, I also don't know what to do la.

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