Saturday, April 10, 2010

I've been having really nice dreams but the thing is, I cannot remember exactly what happens and who is in it ): I think I vaguely knows who is in it but then, it seems so unclear. Sighhh!
From morning, I've been trying to recall the dream but it's all so....

And, the timetable's out. Sucks.
RP's damn screwed. First, my UT was everywhere and now, my classes are everywhere also. I'm scattered around E6, level 5. Where the fuck is E6 manxz!
Oh and I have my Thursdays off. So, on the first day, I'm not required to be in school.
One more thing, I don't have any friends in the new class. I'm probably the only person who does not have anyone I know in the new class. FML.

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