Yesterday's post was hell /:
But yeah, I'm gonna change.
I'm so bored now and I'm not ready for POA. Yucks.
I totally regretted taking POA, I swear.
Slacked the whole day away.
Study day tomorrow.
One last paper and I'm done!
& I feel buying a new calculator when I've already got 2.
I feel like drinking coke now, damn it.
Monday's Roll's birthday.
SHOULD BE going out la.
I hate the life when we always want to go out and have to hide from you because you're hell irritating and you criticize EVERYTHING you see and EVERYTHING people do and you would want to follow and everyone would end up having black faces. You don't know how many people don't like you. 10 people's fingers are not enough to count. Gross.
Saturday, October 06, 2007
Friday, October 05, 2007
Caution, wordy post. Very.
I've deleted my previous post and came to blog again mainly because,
1) I'm damn bored now
2) I'm playing Minesweeper with MelanieWong online now and I totally just lost interest
3) I've the day and more things to blog about
4) I'm wayy too bored while waiting for her to make a move
5) I'm lossing the game = Lost interest
6) She thinks that it is boring too
7) We both agreed to close the game and continue being bored
I think my reasons alone is enough to make a post.
The day had been alright.
Morning before paper was funny. Good.
Some God-damn disgusting wish of a hell disgusting person came true, YUCKS. Hahah.
I have this eww feeling in me now.
& it feels as though it is staying in me for good.
Okay, abit of it is gone but I feel it coming back /:
Anyway, back to topic.
Oh, before I forget.
Zhenyi was being so thick skinned (Although she doesn't admit it)
She went to put on my wallpaper this 'Zhenyi is the best!!!'
I've been hearing alot of funny things lately, hahah.
Today, I almost laughed to myself during paper because I suddenly remembered something that Jiaping told me on the way to school. Oh my. Lucky, I didn't.
Jiaping has been coming out with alot of jokes on XiaoN and her 一颗心, hahah.
Damn mean.
I want to stop being a mean person.
I mean, I'm wayy too evil la.
I laugh at almost everyone.
It's so detestable and I know it. (I'm someone who cares alot about what other thinks)
I'm so damn sure I wasn't like this last time.
Well, not to this extent although I still do laugh at people.
Everyone, maybe most change for the better.
I'm among the minority(?) that change for the worst.
I don't blame anyone for the change.
I've been talking so much and crticising so much about people and not myself, God.
This has to stop.
If I'm ever promoted to sec5, I'm never gonna mix with her ever again. I promise.
She can hate me, talk about me to others, laugh at me, laugh at me like how she laughed at XiaoN, do whatever to me, I DON'T CARE.
& even if no one wants to talk to me or be my friend because I've hanged out with her before or whatever,
Even if I have to be a loner because some people is so scared of her or no one is willing to have me as a friend because of this detestable past, I DON'T CARE!!!!
I just wanna do well.
Having her as a friend, is not doing me anything good.
It has changed me to another person, someone worst.
It's affecting my studies as well.
Not like I do very well in the past but it's worst now. Way too worst.
Example my combine science, from a C5/6 to a E8/D7?
C5/6 is bad enough.
& moreover, she's a DAMN selfish friend.
She got notes for Maths from another friend, but she didn't even bothered to ask if we wanted it.
& she always says whatever she wants without thinking about other people's feeling.
She always says whatever she likes, and she doesn't care about what other people thinks.
Sorry, I'm not like that. I care ALOT about what people think of me.
She can copy people and not admitting to it but she can say people copy her.
She wants everything that people wants. Than if someone else gets it before her, she'll say that person copy her, and curse that person like mad. For God's sake!!!!!!! Who in the right mind wants to copy her.
There are more to this.
& because of all this acts, it has influenced me to be who I am now, damn it.
But I shan't blame anyone.
In the first place, I've got a choice whether to be influenced or not.
This is gonna be difficult, I know.
So from now onwards, everytime she talks about someone, I'm not gonna join in or laugh with her, unless it's something very very funny and I'm not the only person who thinks that it's funny. Otherwise, I'm shutting up.
So, if you see me not with her, don't ask me what happened between us.
NOTHING, I just wanna change.
I don't like who I am now.
Or if you see me not laughing or whatever, I'm not sad!
I just don't wanna be such a evil person anymore.
There's alot of people I want to say sorry too but I simply don't have the courage to.
Alot of people now hate me because of her.
Even people whom I'm not close to can ask Rachel why I change to become like this.
There's once, I was on the bus.
I was suppose to have lunch with her and Jiaping but because I merely talked to Tricia a few words, she got off the bus and totally walked off as though she don't know me.
So, I'm not suppose to talk to someone she don't like?
Everytime I'm walking with her, she see someone she doesn't like, she'll say bad things about the person damn loudly. It's gonna get me into trouble one day.
I don't like this. It's so irritating.
I want back the old sec3 life when I wasn't close to her, at all.
I really hate this kinda life.
People whom I ever laughed at, talked bad about, please forgive me.
I don't really mean what I said.
I just wanted some fun, ended up at your expense.
I'm sorry.
I mainly did all this because I was under the influence of her.
I promise this will never happen again.
I swear I'm going to be a better person next year.
I wouldn't be who I am now anymore, I promise.
Please, give me the time to change.
Give me another chance.
I've deleted my previous post and came to blog again mainly because,
1) I'm damn bored now
2) I'm playing Minesweeper with MelanieWong online now and I totally just lost interest
3) I've the day and more things to blog about
4) I'm wayy too bored while waiting for her to make a move
5) I'm lossing the game = Lost interest
6) She thinks that it is boring too
7) We both agreed to close the game and continue being bored
I think my reasons alone is enough to make a post.
The day had been alright.
Morning before paper was funny. Good.
Some God-damn disgusting wish of a hell disgusting person came true, YUCKS. Hahah.
I have this eww feeling in me now.
& it feels as though it is staying in me for good.
Okay, abit of it is gone but I feel it coming back /:
Anyway, back to topic.
Oh, before I forget.
Zhenyi was being so thick skinned (Although she doesn't admit it)
She went to put on my wallpaper this 'Zhenyi is the best!!!'
I've been hearing alot of funny things lately, hahah.
Today, I almost laughed to myself during paper because I suddenly remembered something that Jiaping told me on the way to school. Oh my. Lucky, I didn't.
Jiaping has been coming out with alot of jokes on XiaoN and her 一颗心, hahah.
Damn mean.
I want to stop being a mean person.
I mean, I'm wayy too evil la.
I laugh at almost everyone.
It's so detestable and I know it. (I'm someone who cares alot about what other thinks)
I'm so damn sure I wasn't like this last time.
Well, not to this extent although I still do laugh at people.
Everyone, maybe most change for the better.
I'm among the minority(?) that change for the worst.
I don't blame anyone for the change.
I've been talking so much and crticising so much about people and not myself, God.
This has to stop.
If I'm ever promoted to sec5, I'm never gonna mix with her ever again. I promise.
She can hate me, talk about me to others, laugh at me, laugh at me like how she laughed at XiaoN, do whatever to me, I DON'T CARE.
& even if no one wants to talk to me or be my friend because I've hanged out with her before or whatever,
Even if I have to be a loner because some people is so scared of her or no one is willing to have me as a friend because of this detestable past, I DON'T CARE!!!!
I just wanna do well.
Having her as a friend, is not doing me anything good.
It has changed me to another person, someone worst.
It's affecting my studies as well.
Not like I do very well in the past but it's worst now. Way too worst.
Example my combine science, from a C5/6 to a E8/D7?
C5/6 is bad enough.
& moreover, she's a DAMN selfish friend.
She got notes for Maths from another friend, but she didn't even bothered to ask if we wanted it.
& she always says whatever she wants without thinking about other people's feeling.
She always says whatever she likes, and she doesn't care about what other people thinks.
Sorry, I'm not like that. I care ALOT about what people think of me.
She can copy people and not admitting to it but she can say people copy her.
She wants everything that people wants. Than if someone else gets it before her, she'll say that person copy her, and curse that person like mad. For God's sake!!!!!!! Who in the right mind wants to copy her.
There are more to this.
& because of all this acts, it has influenced me to be who I am now, damn it.
But I shan't blame anyone.
In the first place, I've got a choice whether to be influenced or not.
This is gonna be difficult, I know.
So from now onwards, everytime she talks about someone, I'm not gonna join in or laugh with her, unless it's something very very funny and I'm not the only person who thinks that it's funny. Otherwise, I'm shutting up.
So, if you see me not with her, don't ask me what happened between us.
NOTHING, I just wanna change.
I don't like who I am now.
Or if you see me not laughing or whatever, I'm not sad!
I just don't wanna be such a evil person anymore.
There's alot of people I want to say sorry too but I simply don't have the courage to.
Alot of people now hate me because of her.
Even people whom I'm not close to can ask Rachel why I change to become like this.
There's once, I was on the bus.
I was suppose to have lunch with her and Jiaping but because I merely talked to Tricia a few words, she got off the bus and totally walked off as though she don't know me.
So, I'm not suppose to talk to someone she don't like?
Everytime I'm walking with her, she see someone she doesn't like, she'll say bad things about the person damn loudly. It's gonna get me into trouble one day.
I don't like this. It's so irritating.
I want back the old sec3 life when I wasn't close to her, at all.
I really hate this kinda life.
People whom I ever laughed at, talked bad about, please forgive me.
I don't really mean what I said.
I just wanted some fun, ended up at your expense.
I'm sorry.
I mainly did all this because I was under the influence of her.
I promise this will never happen again.
I swear I'm going to be a better person next year.
I wouldn't be who I am now anymore, I promise.
Please, give me the time to change.
Give me another chance.
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Hi I'm so bored.
I should be digging deep into the FnN textbook, like how everyone is now.
But no, I shall do it later.
& I've got tomorrow to do it too.
Maths today was rather screwed.
I can't wait to see this year's yearbook.
It's gonna be hell funny, I swear.
I did promised to be good and stop talking about people here but I can't tolerate this pathetic sole anymore.
First, she asked me to send her a song A that she wants but I didn't have it.
So, being nice, I offered her another song B which is nice too.
But she insisted on wanting songA.
I kept offering her songB because I felt so guilty that I couldn't send her songA.
But she keeps insisting that songB isn't nice and she wanted songA.
Than later in class, I was listening to songB so I let her hear and maybe she would change her mind and want songB instead. But instead, she said this 'Lucky I said I don't want this song. NOT NICE.'
Fine, since she said not nice, I shan't force her to accept it.
But few days/weeks later, she come telling me she wants songB and wants me to send it to her.
Given my character, obviously I didn't send it to her.
So, everytime we study together or whatever, she would just take my phone without asking my permission.
Tell me how rude that it. Even my bestie/twin don't do that okay.
So, I tried sending songB to her but she didn't have memory in her phone. So, too bad.
& few days ago, she just took my phone again as usual and wanted me to send to her but I didn't.
So, she proudly said this ' Don't send than don't send la. I go download by myself la!'
Fine, I didn't send.
Than awhile later, she asked again, I refuesd and she said the same thing again, in a even more proud way.
Forget it than.
Today, she let me hear the song and she said this 'You don't wanna send to me, the only thing I can do is to d/l it.' But btw, the one she let me hear is recorded.
Now, she's online, pestering me to send it to her when she can easily d/l it by herself.
Tell me how pathetic that is.
One moment so proud, the other moment begging the person to send it to her.
I'm not being so selfish or whatever okay.
During the prelims period, she was copying SS notes from the MLG I couldn't open the page cause I thought maybe I typed the address wrongly so I asked her to send it to me
I kept asking her, she just selfish-ly gave me direct NO! & mind you, the next day was SS prelims.
So just now, I told her 'You didn't want to send me the MLG link, why must I send it to you?'
Her reply, 'I didn't even copy the notes. I can't open the page!'
Which am I suppose to believe?
She really couldn't open the page or she couldn't find an excuse for that selfish act?
& she likes to LIE alot I swear!
Maybe more than the amt of food she eats? My oh my!
Like really lies alot okay.
Maybe out of 10 things she says, only 1 is true?
I should be digging deep into the FnN textbook, like how everyone is now.
But no, I shall do it later.
& I've got tomorrow to do it too.
Maths today was rather screwed.
I can't wait to see this year's yearbook.
It's gonna be hell funny, I swear.
I did promised to be good and stop talking about people here but I can't tolerate this pathetic sole anymore.
First, she asked me to send her a song A that she wants but I didn't have it.
So, being nice, I offered her another song B which is nice too.
But she insisted on wanting songA.
I kept offering her songB because I felt so guilty that I couldn't send her songA.
But she keeps insisting that songB isn't nice and she wanted songA.
Than later in class, I was listening to songB so I let her hear and maybe she would change her mind and want songB instead. But instead, she said this 'Lucky I said I don't want this song. NOT NICE.'
Fine, since she said not nice, I shan't force her to accept it.
But few days/weeks later, she come telling me she wants songB and wants me to send it to her.
Given my character, obviously I didn't send it to her.
So, everytime we study together or whatever, she would just take my phone without asking my permission.
Tell me how rude that it. Even my bestie/twin don't do that okay.
So, I tried sending songB to her but she didn't have memory in her phone. So, too bad.
& few days ago, she just took my phone again as usual and wanted me to send to her but I didn't.
So, she proudly said this ' Don't send than don't send la. I go download by myself la!'
Fine, I didn't send.
Than awhile later, she asked again, I refuesd and she said the same thing again, in a even more proud way.
Forget it than.
Today, she let me hear the song and she said this 'You don't wanna send to me, the only thing I can do is to d/l it.' But btw, the one she let me hear is recorded.
Now, she's online, pestering me to send it to her when she can easily d/l it by herself.
Tell me how pathetic that is.
One moment so proud, the other moment begging the person to send it to her.
I'm not being so selfish or whatever okay.
During the prelims period, she was copying SS notes from the MLG I couldn't open the page cause I thought maybe I typed the address wrongly so I asked her to send it to me
I kept asking her, she just selfish-ly gave me direct NO! & mind you, the next day was SS prelims.
So just now, I told her 'You didn't want to send me the MLG link, why must I send it to you?'
Her reply, 'I didn't even copy the notes. I can't open the page!'
Which am I suppose to believe?
She really couldn't open the page or she couldn't find an excuse for that selfish act?
& she likes to LIE alot I swear!
Maybe more than the amt of food she eats? My oh my!
Like really lies alot okay.
Maybe out of 10 things she says, only 1 is true?
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
I think Facebook is rather fun.
& I'm talking to Roll on the phone too!
I'm only left with Maths Paper2, F&N, POA and I'm done with N's!
8 October, I'm waiting for you to arrive.
Yay, I'm like quite happy now, because of something (:
& I shan't tell anyone about it.
Paper's at 2pm tomorrow!
I go to school, when the rest are being dismissed.
But actually, I'm going at 11 plus?
Crazy right?
I'm so tired, I wanna go sleep now. Goodnight.
I found someone who makes my heart beat 5 times faster, <3
& I'm talking to Roll on the phone too!
I'm only left with Maths Paper2, F&N, POA and I'm done with N's!
8 October, I'm waiting for you to arrive.
Yay, I'm like quite happy now, because of something (:
& I shan't tell anyone about it.
Paper's at 2pm tomorrow!
I go to school, when the rest are being dismissed.
But actually, I'm going at 11 plus?
Crazy right?
I'm so tired, I wanna go sleep now. Goodnight.
I found someone who makes my heart beat 5 times faster, <3
Monday, October 01, 2007
I've got to report to school only at 9 tomorrow.
Somehow, I miss PE although I always do nothing.
Maybe it's how I always laugh at people.
& I found out, I actually don't hate Maths.
For the teacher, maybe not that much,
But I don't know why I dread Maths lessons, ALOT.
I'm so tired.
I shall go sleep and wake up early tomorrow to study!
Good Night!
Somehow, I miss PE although I always do nothing.
Maybe it's how I always laugh at people.
& I found out, I actually don't hate Maths.
For the teacher, maybe not that much,
But I don't know why I dread Maths lessons, ALOT.
I'm so tired.
I shall go sleep and wake up early tomorrow to study!
Good Night!
Saturday, September 29, 2007
I want a RED MOTORAZR, the one with 3.5G!!!!
I shall go and check out the price after N's.
There was a short circuit just now, twice.
& my phone almost died on me!
N's are so /:
I'm only half way through geog and it's on Monday.
I'll retain for sure!
I shall go and check out the price after N's.
There was a short circuit just now, twice.
& my phone almost died on me!
N's are so /:
I'm only half way through geog and it's on Monday.
I'll retain for sure!
Friday, September 28, 2007
N's are just at my door step! /:
Patron's Day today but hah, I gave it a missed.
Met Fer and went to library for awhile to study that abit!
I have to study for my geog.
I haven't been listening in class during geog.
My hair isn't growing.
I don't feel that it is growing. Hair, please grow as much as possoble during the holidays.
Patron's Day today but hah, I gave it a missed.
Met Fer and went to library for awhile to study that abit!
I have to study for my geog.
I haven't been listening in class during geog.
My hair isn't growing.
I don't feel that it is growing. Hair, please grow as much as possoble during the holidays.
Friday, September 21, 2007
I'm so bored!
Yes, I know. Go study right?
I'm dreaming to own a MacBook!
I'm in need of a nice, red ear piece.
I wanna go shopping tomorrow
There's so many things I wanna get.
& it feels so yuck when I don't get it.
I deleted what I initially typed cause it sounded so damn childish.
Please, bring me to Malaysia.
I wanna get so many sets of Taiwanese drama!!! (:
Singapore don't have those shows, at all.
I'm so bored!
Yes, I know. Go study right?
I'm dreaming to own a MacBook!
I'm in need of a nice, red ear piece.
I wanna go shopping tomorrow
There's so many things I wanna get.
& it feels so yuck when I don't get it.
I deleted what I initially typed cause it sounded so damn childish.
Please, bring me to Malaysia.
I wanna get so many sets of Taiwanese drama!!! (:
Singapore don't have those shows, at all.
I'm so bored!
N's are coming!!! /:
I have less han 2 weeks!!
Everyone's mugging like mad while I'm here!
But I just cannot concentrate!
God damn it!
I feel like eating some very buttery and flaky stuff, sinful.
Ribena with apple is damn good! :DD
I haven't taken my dinner yet!
I went lunch with my mother in a quarrel way, and went home with her, in a quarrel way too.
People, please send me some very nice to hear songs.
I will love you so damn much!
The ulcer at the corner of my tongue is hurting like mad each time I eat chilli or salty things ):
Now, I'm craving for tom yum soup!
Although my neighbour makes oh-so-nice tom yum soup, I still hate her.
Anyway, why doesn't STC sell tomyum soup?
I wouldn't have to go all the way to Tiong than.
I've been such a nice person the last few weeks/days?
I haven't been talking bad about people, here.
I shall continue being nice.
I need to go write letter to someone, urgently before things gets out of hand!!!!
I have less han 2 weeks!!
Everyone's mugging like mad while I'm here!
But I just cannot concentrate!
God damn it!
I feel like eating some very buttery and flaky stuff, sinful.
Ribena with apple is damn good! :DD
I haven't taken my dinner yet!
I went lunch with my mother in a quarrel way, and went home with her, in a quarrel way too.
People, please send me some very nice to hear songs.
I will love you so damn much!
The ulcer at the corner of my tongue is hurting like mad each time I eat chilli or salty things ):
Now, I'm craving for tom yum soup!
Although my neighbour makes oh-so-nice tom yum soup, I still hate her.
Anyway, why doesn't STC sell tomyum soup?
I wouldn't have to go all the way to Tiong than.
I've been such a nice person the last few weeks/days?
I haven't been talking bad about people, here.
I shall continue being nice.
I need to go write letter to someone, urgently before things gets out of hand!!!!
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Subway, 2 days in a row!
I hate exams!
Nothing much to talk about la.
Night study on yesterday!
I'll only load 3!
The rest,

10 days to N's!
I hate exams!
Nothing much to talk about la.
Night study on yesterday!
I'll only load 3!
The rest,
10 days to N's!
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
YO! :D
Everyone should watch 黑糖玛奇朵!
Unless you kept shutting me up when I was telling you about BBT or you showed no interest when I was telling you and getting so high but you left me all alone to get 自 high! ):
Anyway, it's damn funny okay!
N's are in 12 days time! /:
I haven't got anything into my tiny brain yet.
Maybe a bit of maths formula?
I find that, I only can tell things to Fer.
Like maybe because most of the things are like, I don't know.
& there's this thing that me and zhenyi knows and it's so gross!!!
I'm gonna let my hair grow!
I shan't cut the lenght anymore!
& I gotta lose weight, SERIOUSLY!
I'm gonna continue to walk back from school, drink water ONLY, no dinner!
Why am I not a millionaire's daughter?
Everyone should watch 黑糖玛奇朵!
Unless you kept shutting me up when I was telling you about BBT or you showed no interest when I was telling you and getting so high but you left me all alone to get 自 high! ):
Anyway, it's damn funny okay!
N's are in 12 days time! /:
I haven't got anything into my tiny brain yet.
Maybe a bit of maths formula?
I find that, I only can tell things to Fer.
Like maybe because most of the things are like, I don't know.
& there's this thing that me and zhenyi knows and it's so gross!!!
I'm gonna let my hair grow!
I shan't cut the lenght anymore!
& I gotta lose weight, SERIOUSLY!
I'm gonna continue to walk back from school, drink water ONLY, no dinner!
Why am I not a millionaire's daughter?
Sunday, September 16, 2007
What's with all the changes to LJ?
Seriously, maybe it's because I'm not familiarwith it?
I'm so tired.
It's 0033 now but I refuse to sleep.
Sleeping is such a waste of time.
I can't wait for N's to be over!
The mugging and pressure and everything.
I just can't get things into my oh-so-tiny brain.
I need to stop hating teachers.
Because of hating them, I get this thinking that I don't understand whattever the teacher taught when I'm doing the paper. Or I'll think that the teacher didn't teach abt it. Oh my, this can't go on.
Things I gotta do before N's,
- get Miss Sim to teach me speed/time graph and the accumalative(?) frequency thing.
- stop watching TV!!!!! ( IMPORTANT! )
So many things to do, so little time!
I need to study!!!!
I'm gonna start serious mugging on Monday!!
Nothing is gonna tempt me, not even if you're getting me a white PSP or a MacBook.
I'd rather get promoted than having a white PSP in either 4NA or in ITE.
Oh, I saw the latest nano. It's so U-G-L-Y!
I can't wait till 8 October! (:
I'm gonna try staying up till 3am!
That was the time I usually sleep during weekends.
I know this is random but, I hate pink, seriously.
Get me anything in pink, I'll throw it back to you. Even if it's a PSP. So ewww!!
But I so seriouly love red! :DDDD
I want a MacBook, in 2 years time, please!
Seriously, maybe it's because I'm not familiarwith it?
I'm so tired.
It's 0033 now but I refuse to sleep.
Sleeping is such a waste of time.
I can't wait for N's to be over!
The mugging and pressure and everything.
I just can't get things into my oh-so-tiny brain.
I need to stop hating teachers.
Because of hating them, I get this thinking that I don't understand whattever the teacher taught when I'm doing the paper. Or I'll think that the teacher didn't teach abt it. Oh my, this can't go on.
Things I gotta do before N's,
- get Miss Sim to teach me speed/time graph and the accumalative(?) frequency thing.
- stop watching TV!!!!! ( IMPORTANT! )
So many things to do, so little time!
I need to study!!!!
I'm gonna start serious mugging on Monday!!
Nothing is gonna tempt me, not even if you're getting me a white PSP or a MacBook.
I'd rather get promoted than having a white PSP in either 4NA or in ITE.
Oh, I saw the latest nano. It's so U-G-L-Y!
I can't wait till 8 October! (:
I'm gonna try staying up till 3am!
That was the time I usually sleep during weekends.
I know this is random but, I hate pink, seriously.
Get me anything in pink, I'll throw it back to you. Even if it's a PSP. So ewww!!
But I so seriouly love red! :DDDD
I want a MacBook, in 2 years time, please!
Friday, September 14, 2007
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Monday, September 10, 2007
School was good.
There were many 'free periods'
2 periods of chinese and 2 periods of english were spent laughing and gossiping.
PE was a free period too.
There's mock for chem tomorrow, yucks.
Complaining was damn good today.
At least I get to shout ALOT.
&&& I drew this damn cute picture today but they ruin it! >:(
I shall scan it in one day.
There were many 'free periods'
2 periods of chinese and 2 periods of english were spent laughing and gossiping.
PE was a free period too.
There's mock for chem tomorrow, yucks.
Complaining was damn good today.
At least I get to shout ALOT.
&&& I drew this damn cute picture today but they ruin it! >:(
I shall scan it in one day.
Sunday, September 09, 2007
I've never hated someone so much in my life before!
I don't know why but my mother treats her damn good, fucking good.
My mother totally treats her the best okay!
&&& whatever that people has, she wants it too.
But, she doesn't know how to use it cause she can't fucking understand english and she'll come asking my mother and when my mother doesn't understand( my mother's not a electronic person but she so understands english ), she'll ask me and I'm obliged to help.
& everytime this thai bitch has some event, she'll ask my mother along and my mother would go and even though I don't want going, I'll have to go because my mother has this thing that she'll go giddy anytime.
& when I complain to my mother, she'll say this 'if you don't like people, next time got any event or what, don't follow'
Hello!? Who fucking hell wants to follow!?
If my mother doesn't have that giddy thing, I won't even think of going alrights!!!!
My mother can even help her speak up okay!
& she has such rude and dirty children!!!
They won't listen to anyone older than them and they would fly into a rage when they don't get things they want even though their at MY HOUSE, MY ROOM.
& everytime they go out, they go home and would bathe, only the next morning and they would wear exactly that set of clothes to sleep, till next day when they finally decides to bathe!
I don't understand why my mother likes to go out with her so much okay!
Everywhere she goes, she'll ask her to come along.
Places like Escape, Wild Wild Wet and some park or whatever!!!!
It's a total disgrace to go out with her!
She's only 30 and she's damn 'suaku'
My mother who is like 40+ is more IN than her okay.
At the very least, my mother knows things like DONUTS!
Well, she knows abt donuts too, those at the bakery.
Oh yes, she uses hi-tech things like Olmypus camera ( just bought ) and a N series Nokia phone but, I bet she barely knows about the functions and all okay!
I'm so fucking annoyed by her cause my mother just gave me this fucking attitude because I commented on that thai neighbour.
& she even said I was JEALOUS OF HER!
Geraldlyn Tan is actually so fucking jealous of her stupid thai neighbour just becasue she just bought a Olympus camera and Geraldlyn doesn't have a new one. ( Omg, how funny and true! )
Why do I have to be jealous?
Please, although I do not have a new Olympus camera with 8 megapixels and a 2.5 inch screen, at least I'm 'materials-rich'
I'm so not being proud but hello, at the very least, I've got 1 Adidas bag.
& my sister has a Adidas bag too.
But what are the thai's children using?
Power rangers! Hahah!
Yes, I admit I want the Sony cybershot camera or the Olympus underwater one VERY MUCH but I don't have it. But at least, things like bags and wallets that I want, I have it.
Yes yes yes. When Gameboy advance things was very IN and I wanted it so much, I didn't have it whereas they got it but so what? The thing now is PSP alright?
Example, their eldest child, primary 5.
Using some cartoon bag and that Nike spray spray bottle.
I was using that bottle when I was only primary 4.
& when I was primary 5, I've already got a phone. ( Not prepaid )
So, what right does my mother have to say that I'm being jealous of her when I always get the things I want?
I wanted my K810i, I got it.
I wanted an iPod, I got it too.
I wanted to sign up for broadband, I got it too.
I wanted SCV, I got it too.
I wanted crimpler, I got it.
I wanted that Adidas bag, I got it.
Things below 100 bucks, I always get it if I want it.
& I'm SO GRATEFUL for that, seriously.
Hahahahah, yes yes yes.
Although they get their passports stamped at least once a year but so what?
It's still the same destination.
& they always got to the same destination for the same reason.
& the reason ain't for leisure okay.
If that's the case, I'd rather my passport gets stamped only once every 5 years?
Why why why do I have to be jealous of them la.
Mother, please use your brain to think.
You don't have brain for nothing alright?
I'm not done complaining yet but, people's eye may hurt.
I shall continue tomorrow.
& I'm so going to complain to alot of people tomorrow.
I've never hated someone so much in my life before!
I don't know why but my mother treats her damn good, fucking good.
My mother totally treats her the best okay!
&&& whatever that people has, she wants it too.
But, she doesn't know how to use it cause she can't fucking understand english and she'll come asking my mother and when my mother doesn't understand( my mother's not a electronic person but she so understands english ), she'll ask me and I'm obliged to help.
& everytime this thai bitch has some event, she'll ask my mother along and my mother would go and even though I don't want going, I'll have to go because my mother has this thing that she'll go giddy anytime.
& when I complain to my mother, she'll say this 'if you don't like people, next time got any event or what, don't follow'
Hello!? Who fucking hell wants to follow!?
If my mother doesn't have that giddy thing, I won't even think of going alrights!!!!
My mother can even help her speak up okay!
& she has such rude and dirty children!!!
They won't listen to anyone older than them and they would fly into a rage when they don't get things they want even though their at MY HOUSE, MY ROOM.
& everytime they go out, they go home and would bathe, only the next morning and they would wear exactly that set of clothes to sleep, till next day when they finally decides to bathe!
I don't understand why my mother likes to go out with her so much okay!
Everywhere she goes, she'll ask her to come along.
Places like Escape, Wild Wild Wet and some park or whatever!!!!
It's a total disgrace to go out with her!
She's only 30 and she's damn 'suaku'
My mother who is like 40+ is more IN than her okay.
At the very least, my mother knows things like DONUTS!
Well, she knows abt donuts too, those at the bakery.
Oh yes, she uses hi-tech things like Olmypus camera ( just bought ) and a N series Nokia phone but, I bet she barely knows about the functions and all okay!
I'm so fucking annoyed by her cause my mother just gave me this fucking attitude because I commented on that thai neighbour.
& she even said I was JEALOUS OF HER!
Geraldlyn Tan is actually so fucking jealous of her stupid thai neighbour just becasue she just bought a Olympus camera and Geraldlyn doesn't have a new one. ( Omg, how funny and true! )
Why do I have to be jealous?
Please, although I do not have a new Olympus camera with 8 megapixels and a 2.5 inch screen, at least I'm 'materials-rich'
I'm so not being proud but hello, at the very least, I've got 1 Adidas bag.
& my sister has a Adidas bag too.
But what are the thai's children using?
Power rangers! Hahah!
Yes, I admit I want the Sony cybershot camera or the Olympus underwater one VERY MUCH but I don't have it. But at least, things like bags and wallets that I want, I have it.
Yes yes yes. When Gameboy advance things was very IN and I wanted it so much, I didn't have it whereas they got it but so what? The thing now is PSP alright?
Example, their eldest child, primary 5.
Using some cartoon bag and that Nike spray spray bottle.
I was using that bottle when I was only primary 4.
& when I was primary 5, I've already got a phone. ( Not prepaid )
So, what right does my mother have to say that I'm being jealous of her when I always get the things I want?
I wanted my K810i, I got it.
I wanted an iPod, I got it too.
I wanted to sign up for broadband, I got it too.
I wanted SCV, I got it too.
I wanted crimpler, I got it.
I wanted that Adidas bag, I got it.
Things below 100 bucks, I always get it if I want it.
& I'm SO GRATEFUL for that, seriously.
Hahahahah, yes yes yes.
Although they get their passports stamped at least once a year but so what?
It's still the same destination.
& they always got to the same destination for the same reason.
& the reason ain't for leisure okay.
If that's the case, I'd rather my passport gets stamped only once every 5 years?
Why why why do I have to be jealous of them la.
Mother, please use your brain to think.
You don't have brain for nothing alright?
I'm not done complaining yet but, people's eye may hurt.
I shall continue tomorrow.
& I'm so going to complain to alot of people tomorrow.
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Hi everyone.
I went PS today and there was this HSM thingy.
My sister wanted to watch so we stayed, to watch.
& we stood beside the stupid speaker and the musicwas damn loud.
After we left, I had difficulty listening for 5 minutes.
&&& I saw LuoZhiXiang! Hurrs :DDDDDD
Omg! (:
& MissyDonuts isn't nice, at all.
Please don't sue me but, that's what I think.
We went for Pizza Hut and that cheese fondue thingy isn't nice at all too.
Please again, don't sue me.
I've consumed ALOT of sinful things today ):
I broke my promise of drinking-plain-water-only.
& drank more than 2 litres of fizzy drinks?
Omg, no more sweet things for 2 weeks and no unhealthy food for 1 week!
& I've got to have back the habit of drinking plain water only.
I need to get a new earpiece.
I wanna get a RED one.
My aim of getting my white PSP isn't getting nearer for me cause so far, I've saved only $80!
I really hope someone gets it for me for my Birthday!
I won't mind even if it's 10 people sharing it!
Or maybe, it can be for both Christmas and Birthday!
I so won't mind.
& as for the game, I want some car racing one!
I hate fighting games.
I shall use my NewYear AngPao $$ next year if no one gets it for me this year.
School's starting on Monday.
There goes my 5-days-turned-2-days holiday.
I've got to wait till November for my real holiday.
I'm so tired but I don't wanna sleep so early.
I went PS today and there was this HSM thingy.
My sister wanted to watch so we stayed, to watch.
& we stood beside the stupid speaker and the musicwas damn loud.
After we left, I had difficulty listening for 5 minutes.
&&& I saw LuoZhiXiang! Hurrs :DDDDDD
Omg! (:
& MissyDonuts isn't nice, at all.
Please don't sue me but, that's what I think.
We went for Pizza Hut and that cheese fondue thingy isn't nice at all too.
Please again, don't sue me.
I've consumed ALOT of sinful things today ):
I broke my promise of drinking-plain-water-only.
& drank more than 2 litres of fizzy drinks?
Omg, no more sweet things for 2 weeks and no unhealthy food for 1 week!
& I've got to have back the habit of drinking plain water only.
I need to get a new earpiece.
I wanna get a RED one.
My aim of getting my white PSP isn't getting nearer for me cause so far, I've saved only $80!
I really hope someone gets it for me for my Birthday!
I won't mind even if it's 10 people sharing it!
Or maybe, it can be for both Christmas and Birthday!
I so won't mind.
& as for the game, I want some car racing one!
I hate fighting games.
I shall use my NewYear AngPao $$ next year if no one gets it for me this year.
School's starting on Monday.
There goes my 5-days-turned-2-days holiday.
I've got to wait till November for my real holiday.
I'm so tired but I don't wanna sleep so early.
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